Seletar and aviation

July 11, 2006

Seletar Airport

Seletar airport– Singapore’s cutest airport. The building is really small, like each of its arms is perhaps 6m wide and 1 storey high. Here’s where you would land your private jet if you’re the sultan of Brunei. The landing strip is too short for a 747 (heavy planes brake over a longer distance).


A view from one resident’s backyard- some houses are right up against the landing strip.

Small plane

If you’re wondering how people tolerate the noise of planes, well it’s because these small planes are more like insects– they buzz, not roar.


The airbase is also home to a couple of flying schools and clubs, including the Youth Flying Club, Singapore Flying Club and Singapore Flying college.

2 Responses to “Seletar and aviation”

  1. First time I’me seen someone refer to an airport as “cute” 🙂

  2. It is though. It’s so tiny, once you step through the door you are at the customs already.

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